Sunday, February 12, 2012

A thought on Ultra Orthodox Modesty

It just hit me. It is about sex and sexual desire and not upholding any nuanced religious law.

How do I know this?

Because the men attacking young women and girls are doing just that, attacking young women and girls.

You never hear about them attacking a senior lady.

Something to think about.

Monday, February 6, 2012

If Israel had been around the Holocaust would not have happened

I hear that a lot from Jews; both in and out of Israel.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Newly established “Medal of Light” award aims to shed light on those who work to improve lives of Shoah survivors.

-------- Here is the point which interested me the most:

The foundation’s Kalinsky also said that one of the the aims of the new award was also to raise awareness to the plight of an estimated 207,000 elderly survivors living in Israel, whose living conditions are very bad and whose needs increase as they grow older.

According to the organization, an estimated 50,000 survivors live below the poverty line and close to 35 survivors die each day. Roughly 60 percent of the survivors are immigrants from the former Soviet Union that arrived here during the 1990s and there are still some that are not eligible for certain specific pension funds aimed at helping survivors financially.

And this information is publicized fairly often, that Holecause survivors go hungry, homeless, without proper medical care,
and on and on and on.

The State of Israel is Lucky I guess, soon they will all be dead and they can stop the meger funding they do offer.

Or is that bad for the State of Israel? Will the appointed political hacks who run the government holocaust funds lose their piggy bank?

Here are the facts:
1- Holocaust survivors have been treated pretty shabbily by the State of Israel over the years.
2- Not one Holocaust survivor should ever go hungry or homeless or without medical care in the State of Israel. Ever!
3- Israel has absolutely, barefacedly, hypocritically wrapped itself in the corpses of Jews while turning away from those who survived.
4- Not one shekel should go from the government to any holocaust museum and Israel has no right to hold a holocaust remembrance day until all the survivors are dead or fed.

The private organizations and individuals who are doing what they can are wonderful, but it shouldn't be needed. Israel utilizes the Holocaust at every turn, it is the government's job, it is their responsibility to provide for these survivors. This is why you have a government, to take care of issues affecting society. And since it's founding, Israel has disgustingly and brazenly absolved themselves of this responsibility.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jewish Evolution

Life is change. Nothing stays the same.

Religion is no exception. Every religion has evolved; changed dramatically from what it once was.

I am Jewish, so my focus is on Judaism. I understand it best, I feel it instinctively. It is part of who I am.

But it could be any religion.

Look at Judaism: We used to sacrifice animals, now we pray in temples.

Yet so few religious jews know that temples were an invention of the Greeks, as they shifted from animal sacrifice to prayer in temples. And the Greeks ruled ancient Israel at the time, and the Israelites adopted prayer in temples. As we know from the story of Hanukkah, the majority of Jews at the time were assimilated Hellenists.

Or the concept of heaven and hell, or the messiah; none of which is mentioned in the old testament. jews adopted these concepts from other cultures.

In fact, Judaism originally was a polytheistic religion.

early Jews believed God had a wife.
The bible speaks of witches and magicians and talkers with the dead, all of whom drew their abilities from powers other than Yaweh.
In the 10 commandments it states, I am your God. Thou (you) shalt have no other Gods before me. Before me implies that one may have faith in other gods, but that Yaweh, the God of the Israelites, is the most powerful god of all.

And I read this great article in Haaretz newspaper:

Gur Hasidim and sexual separation

A really interesting article on how A sect of Ultra orthodox Jews relate to human sexuality.

My personal take is that over the last generation or more, there has been a huge shift where the other ultra-orthodox jews have tilted towards this group's outlook on sexuality.

But a few lines of particular note:

"Gur Hasids drew the inspiration for separation from the heritage of Kotzk, a small Hasidic sect that existed in the early 19th century - the path of which Gur saw itself as continuing.
"The Kotzk Rebbe essentially claimed that love for the Lord and love for a woman do not go together. There is a rivalry between spirituality and sexuality, so sexuality has to be abolished," notes Wasserman, explaining the rationale"

This is the Christian concept of sex. When their system evolved and banned priests from sexual relations this is the exact same concept that was used to create their new reality.

Judaism switched from Polygamy to monogamy directly from the reality of the dispersion from Israel and Jews living in majority non-Jewish countries.

and flash forward to the 19th century and we see the direct adoption of the Christian view of sexuality by Jews who had been living as a minority in Christian countries, for hundreds of years.

Look at the many flavors of ultra orthodox jewry today. The constant battles in Israel over separate seating on public busses, separate functions for men and women, sperate sidewalks on public streets!

all from Christianity. All of it. Every last drop.

Early Judaism was deeply rooted in the present.

The concept of a woman's modesty in Judaism comes from the story in the bible of Rebecca going to the well.

She went through the well, passing shepards, men, and the waters from the well came up to her.

As a tale, this is the story of a woman doing manual work, living in the world with men. She walked past the men, she was grounded in her reality and maintained her dignity.

This is the story which is pro the mixing and interaction and abilities of men and women to co-exist as equals.

Today, ultra orthodox Jew's have taken his empowering moment of our forbearer's history and twisted it beyond all recognition.

Today Jews have a State of Israel. We no longer need to adapt to living as a minority in Christian and Muslim lands.

Let's get back to Judaism. Let's be who we were meant to be; a people living in the world, a people with history and a family with legends and traditions, a people with guidelines on how to live in the real world, not cut ourselves off.

"corporations Are people... my friend"

Yup. Mitt Romney is right when he said that corporations are people.

Mitt was referencing the supreme court which upheld corporation's right to donate to political campaigns as they too have a right to freedom of speech.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart had a funny take when they said that if corporations are people than Mitt Romney was a serial killer.

And while they made their point hilariously, they touched on a much deeper issue, that people have more responsibilities and less benefits than corporations.

People in a society are members of a social compact. We used to live in tribes and over tens of thousands of years we have transformed tribal living into large societies. But as people, our basic structure remains the same, we live within a group and most of us live within the accepted guidelines of the society... we uphold our social compact so that we can live as social beings.

I'm a capitalist. I'm all for corporations making money.

But if corporations have the rights of people, than they should also have the responsibilities of people.

In a community people shop, live, hire and interact. People instinctively recognize that we need to rely on and support each other in order to thrive.
Corporations rely on our communal structure to make and transport and sell their goods. The police that protects the community protect corporations as well.

And yet if a corporation decides to move overseas or outsource in order to cut labor costs or taxes, than how are they abiding with the terms of the communal social compact?

People are bound by law and their community regardless of their geography. If an american goes overseas and does something which is illegal in the states, they can be prosecuted in the states for their behavior overseas; for example, pedophilia.

And yet American corporations can hire slave labor or what we regular people call slave labor, with no legal consequence.

If Corporations are people than they have rights and they have responsibilities.

If corporations are not people than get them the hell out of polotics.