Friday, January 30, 2009

blago gone

what a farce.

Maybe he is guilty. maybe not. But to have a trial, even a political trial, and to accept the prosecuters word as 100% true and not allow the defendant to call witnesses in his defence...

well I guess its legal because the people who designed the trial and voted to oust blago said it was legal, but when 59 out of 59 vote one way, I can't imagine that they are all right and altruistic and honest. Does anyone believe that lisa madigan would be where she is with out daddy madigan?thats like when jeb and dunderhead both claim that being the son of a prez was a disadvantage.

I love america, I just wish it hadn't become russia. Or maybe it always was and I just noticed.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

what was jesus doing?

I had an interesting conversation. 

Over the years I spoken with a number of orthodox jews. I've asked repetedly a few basic questions that I think go to the core of ancient judaica. One question I've asked is how they understand the numerous instances when the Israelites were commanded by their god to completly destroy, to wipe out every man, woman, child and beast of those they were ordered to attack unprovoked.

I asked and recieve a few standard answers. usually they boil down to acceptance of god's will and thats that: no conflict at all with the sense of reality that exists today regarding the morality of committing genocide.

So this man I spoke to tells me: "this is what jesus was saying. jesus was a well educated rabbi, trained in the rabbinate as all men from the tribe of david, and he looked at the ancient texts and was saying 'guys, you have it all jumbled up. You've mixed in man's foibles, war and the minutia of endless law with the general guidlines of god's love and harmony. So lets dump the genocide and keep the lovicide."

I say this all the time. I also  refer to myself as the messiah. i even have a few disciples and am recieveing regular offerings of bread. HEAR THIS: messiahs do eat more than bread. Feel free to bring wine meat and cheeses as well.


Friday, January 9, 2009

life in Israel Marathon Man

So this old guy in Israel just ran a marathon. And he completed the marathon.

First let me say that I am immensely proud for this guy. You should check it out at

And like all pro athletes upon reflecttion he praised his lord for helping him through. I wonder though, had he failed would he have blamed his god for having deserted him?


Love you lots!

Israel and Hamas

Anytime you go to war, anytime a country says that they are going to bomb a place, there is an implied understanding that civilians will die. 

The difference I am told is that one side's (Hamas's) intent is to hurt civilians and the opposing side's (Israel's) intent is to hurt the combatants/terrorists.

Intent matters to some. Intent matters legaly. The UN and courts value intent. Many people are hung up on cause and effect. As if one could divine and comprehend all the causes and effects. As if one could possibly understand or even discover all the intents. As if all these legalities and causes and intents were not based on false constructs. As if the humans who  created these modes of behavior and understanding were not filled with foolly by their belief in their own existence.

So I try to focus solely on effects. 2 sides are at war. And anytime you go to war you accept that civilians will die.

However this is not about policy. There are peaceful monks and there are warrior monks. This is about those who cry to "wipe them out." Perhaps the official legal policy 'should be' to wipe them out. But when a specific human cries out for that blood with passion and zeal and rightousness, they may forget that they are also calling out for the death of civilians. 

I hope that this thought makes them aware of other thoughts.